Kulirma Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a holistic healing approach, rooted in the principle that the body, mind, and nature are intricately linked. This ancient system, bequeathed to us by venerable rishis and yogis, serves as nature's boon, addressing ailments and enhancing the well-being of plants, animals, and humans alike. Sages like Agastya Muniswaran and Bhogar Siddhars have enriched Ayurveda with formulations such as Nava Pashanchasilas. Their profound knowledge helps identify Siddha medicines, harmonize the five element forces, cleanse the environment, detoxify the body, and awaken the consciousness essential for protection of universe.

Siddha practitioner, Mohan Kumar, has dedicated years to healing, drawing from the wisdom he absorbed from esteemed yogis during his meditative sojourns in the Himalayas. Motivated by duty, rather than personal gain, he's been a beacon of hope for many. A pivotal moment in his journey was in 1983-84, during a meditation at Mukkamabika. There, he received transformative medicinal blueprints and insights from Mukambika Amma, a revered guru with whom he shared a past-life bond. Since that enlightening encounter, he has been following the instructions given by Amma from that day to this moment.

Kulirma stands as a patented and trademarked brand, producing an array of natural and efficacious Ayurvedic remedies tailored for both humans and animals. Each Kulirma product is backed by clinical research, boasts a patent, and has made significant therapeutic impacts. Among their esteemed products are Kulirma Keshpushti Black Hair Oil, Kulirma Burn Care Balm, Kulirma Piles Balm, Kulirma Wound Balm, Kulirma Revive Plus Skin Restoration Oil, and Kulirma Veterinary Wound Balm. These medicines have not only brought solace to numerous patients but also hold substantial market value.