Kulirma Ayurveda

Supreme Ayurvedic Products

Ayurveda is a holistic healing approach, rooted in the principle that the body, mind, and nature are intricately linked. This ancient system, bequeathed to us by venerable rishis and yogis, serves as nature's boon, addressing ailments and enhancing the well-being of plants, animals, and humans alike. Sages like Agastya Muniswaran and Bhogar Siddhars have enriched Ayurveda with formulations such as Nava Pashanchasilas. Their profound knowledge helps identify Siddha medicines, harmonize the five element forces, cleanse the environment, detoxify the body, and awaken the consciousness essential for protection of universe.

 The Leaves
 The Leaves

Our Products

 Burn Care
Kulirma Burn Care Balm

In everyday life, there's an ever-present risk of burns. Whether it's from sunlight, heat, fire, radiation, electricity, certain chemicals, or boiling substances, these incidents are common yet painful. Traditionally, such afflictions were sometimes viewed as a curse, originating from either this life or a past one. Burns can lead to painful symptoms such as blisters, pus formation, and even an imbalance in the body due to dehydration. In these trying moments, the Kulirma Burn Care Balm stands out as a beacon of relief. Recognized as one of the most trusted treatments for burns, it has been alleviating pain and accelerating recovery since 1984. This patented remedy has a proven track record of treating a variety of burns, ranging from minor to severe. Its efficacy is not just anecdotal; clinical tests have consistently highlighted its excellence. Numerous testimonials from individuals who've been cured attest to the balm's unparalleled healing capabilities.

Benefits: Kulirma Burn Care Balm provides instant pain relief and promotes muscle tissue regeneration and maintains body structure. It disinfects the wound, ensuring a safe healing environment and aids in restoring burned areas without excessive blood loss or dehydration. It is an effective Ayurvedic product for all kinds of burns, including those from lasers. A GMP certified and patented Ayurvedic product, Kulirma Burn Care Balm is more than just a remedy; it's a testament to the power of Ayurvedic healing.

Usage: Break the blisters on the burned area. Wipe off the moisture. Apply a generous amount of burn balm and place a cotton ball on top. (Do not use cotton balls in the hospital.) Apply new medicine and a new cotton cloth three times a day. Rest is required. Avoid fish and meat. Give up alcohol and cigarettes.

Kulirma Revive Plus Nourish Restoration Oil

Dive into the holistic healing of Ayurveda with Kulirma Revive Plus Nourish Restoration Oil, an elixir designed to revitalize both body and mind. Ayurveda, with its ancient wisdom, harmoniously aligns body, mind, and soul through nature's bounty.

Carefully formulated, our restoration oil boasts a blend of over 41 Ayurvedic herbs. Key ingredients include virgin coconut oil—derived directly from coconut milk, premium local cow ghee, and revered herbs like sandalwood, blood sandalwood, and devadaru. Not only is Kulirma Revive Plus Nourish Restoration Oil pure, but its potency also comes chemical-free. The oil deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin, endowing it with a soft, glowing appearance. For those grappling with skin dryness or aiming to preserve their skin's youthful essence, this oil presents an organic remedy.

Beyond mere moisturization, the oil works wonders in restoring skin affected by burns, returning its natural hue and texture even if the damage is old. Prolonged use gradually revives the skin's innate color and structure. Its benefits extend to skin tightening, elasticity enhancement, and a visible improvement in facial complexion. The oil stands as a comprehensive solution in addressing dark spots, pigmentation, stretch marks, or dry patches.

Benefits: Kulirma Revive Plus Nourish Restoration Oil helps restore the natural color to burned areas and transforms dry skin to a silky-smooth texture. It diminishes facial blemishes, including sun-induced allergies and scratch marks. It also enhances overall skin radiance, bestowing a uniform skin tone and improved texture.

Usage: Apply the oil as needed and massage for half an hour.

 Kulirma Skin Care
Kulirma HAIR OIL
Kulirma Keshpushti Black Hair Oil

The Kulirma Keshpushti Black Hair Oil stands as a testament to over twenty years of dedicated research. Crafted using rare herbs, this hair oil doesn't just protect your hair. It offers relief from a multitude of ailments like headaches, migraines, a runny nose, congestion, sleep deprivation, and dandruff. Moreover, it fosters increased hair growth, making it ideal for those aspiring for denser hair.

In today's world, factors like mental stress, unhealthy lifestyle choices, and water quality contribute to issues like hair loss, dandruff, and premature graying. Composed of 108 unique herbs — including Neelajadadamudi, Neela Krikrita, Kamandalu, and Nagalingapu — the Kulirma Keshpushti Black Hair Oil delivers impressive results. It not only promotes hair growth but also rejuvenates both scalp and hair. Proven effective in numerous clinical trials, this patented hair oil enhances hair growth and imparts a natural shine. Unlike other oils, its use is restricted to night only.

Benefits: Reduces hair fall and dandruff in just five days. Headaches, Migraines, Headaches and Phlegm are relieved within days. Kirma Keshapushti Black Hair Oil is excellent for good sleep, hair growth, thinning hair, scalp fungus, hair fungus and split ends. It can be used by any age group from toddlers.

Benefits: Kulirma Keshpushti Black Hair Oil reduces hair fall and dandruff within just five days and alleviates headaches, migraines, and phlegm congestion within a few days. It is perfect for promoting restful sleep, fostering hair growth, combatting thinning hair, treating scalp and hair fungi, and mending split ends and it is suitable for all age groups, from toddlers onward.

For an optimal hair care routine, also consider using Kulirma's Henna With Thali as a revitalizing head wash.

Usage: For people with headache, migraine, and headache: For the first two to three days, apply three to four drops of oil to the head four times a day, making sure the head does not sweat. After that, massage the head with oil before going to bed every night (only if necessary). Moisture should not be on the head. Do not use shampoo, soap, or other chemicals when bathing in the morning. Hair dye is strictly prohibited.

Kulirma Amkushini Balm Anti-fungl Cream

In the profound wisdom of ancient Ayurveda, holistic health is not only the balance of mind and body, but also unity with nature. A salient facet of Ayurvedic treatments is their ability to combat fungal infections while simultaneously bolstering the body's immune defenses. Kulirma Amkushini Balm Anti-fungl Cream stands out as an excellent remedy for a plethora of skin ailments. It works diligently to recalibrate skin health, proving invaluable against skin allergies triggered by insect bites, itchiness, parasitic bites, and even stings from creatures like scorpions, snakes and worms. The Balm offers relief for diverse skin conditions. It's particularly adept at addressing fungal infections in the anal and urinary regions in diabetic patients, as well as persistent allergies arising from undergarment use. This balm is not just grounded in tradition; its efficacy is reinforced by clinical research, and it carries a patent to its name.

Benefits: Kulirma's Amkushini Balm is a very effective Ayurvedic product, treating conditions like parasitic bites on the body, eczema, itching, allergies from innerwear, urinary complications in diabetics, insect bites, and cracked feet.

Usage: Clean the affected area with a mixture of warm water and salt. Apply the balm three or four times a day.

 Kulirma Anti-fungal cream
Kulirma HAIR OIL
Kulirma Piles Balm

Piles, or hemorrhoids, is a condition that causes many to endure pain due to changes in their lifestyle. This ailment is characterized by the swelling of blood vessels and nerves in the rectum and anus, leading to pain, discomfort, and bleeding. Regrettably, many individuals conceal their suffering from this condition, even though its consequences are far from trivial. Formulated entirely based on Ayurvedic principles, it offers a proven solution to those battling piles. This balm has already liberated thousands from the grips of this disease. Not only is it a potent Ayurvedic remedy that boasts clinical validation and a patent, but it also delivers swift relief from piles. Users have reported noticeable improvements from the very first application, with the ailment being entirely eradicated within a mere 15 days. While undergoing treatment with Kulirma Piles Balm, it's advised to abstain from consuming fish and meat.

Benefits: Bleeding due to piles, constipation and Inflammation can be resolved with just one use.

Usage: Apply the balm on a cotton ball and insert it inside for the anus three to four times a day. Avoid alcohol, meat, and smoking.

Kulirma Wound Balm

Steeped in Ayurvedic traditions that span centuries, Kulirma Wound Balm offers a natural remedy for wounds and enhanced skin well-being. Crafted with a blend of medicinal plants, spices, and oils, this balm possesses potent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and wound-healing properties.

Once applied, Kulirma Wound Balm forms a protective shield over the wound, guarding against infections and fostering accelerated recovery. It effectively alleviates inflammation and pain. Notably, it also counteracts excessive odor and pus, aiding in the wound's drying process by replacing exudate with healthy tissue. The balm's natural constituents stimulate the proliferation of fresh skin cells.

Kulirma Wound Balm is a natural and effective way to heal wounds and improve skin health. Choosing Kulirma Wound Balm is opting for a holistic approach to wound care. It's a trustworthy Ayurvedic formulation devoid of any side effects. Having undergone clinical research, this patented medicine stands as a testament to Ayurveda's timeless healing prowess.

Benefits: Kulirma Wound Balm is a comprehensive Ayurvedic remedy for a myriad of skin concerns including canker sores, diabetic ulcers, varicose veins, bedsores, accidental injuries, insect bites, and cracked feet. Remarkably, even longstanding, non-healing wounds can be cured by using this balm.

Usage: Do not wet the wound, no matter what type it is. Apply the balm to the affected area (three or four times a day). Cover with cotton. Avoid alcohol and fish and meat.

 Kulirma veterinary Wound Balm
Kulirma Veterinary Wound Balm

Animals and birds, much like humans, are susceptible to various wounds, whether they arise from accidental injuries, conflicts with other animals, or underlying health conditions. It's imperative that these wounds receive the proper care and attention, and Kulirma Veterinary Wound Balm is specially formulated for this purpose.

Formulated from 22 authentic Ayurvedic herbs, Kulirma's Veterinary Wound Balm is a pure herbal solution, devoid of any chemicals or metals. Its primary objective is to shield wounds from external contaminants, including dirt, bacteria, and pests, ensuring the wound remains uncontaminated and safeguarded against further harm.

The efficacy of Kulirma Veterinary Wound Balm is evident across a range of issues, including major wounds, insect stings, fungal infections, hoof ailments, hair shedding, and skin fungi in animals. It's particularly beneficial in addressing mastitis in cows. Over the years, this balm has catered to the well-being of thousands of creatures, from common animals and birds to as grand as elephants. This balm isn't just based on tradition; it's backed by clinical research and boasts a patented formula.

A notable advantage of using Kulirma Veterinary Wound Balm is its repellent properties; animals treated with it will find themselves less bothered by pesky flies and insects.

Benefits: Kulirma Veterinary Wound Balm treats hoof diseases, skin complications, wounds, insect bites, persistent ulcers, and hair loss. It also promotes hair regrowth and provides overall protection against various ailments.

Usage: This medicine can be used for any skin diseases that occur in animals, such as fungus, wounds, and hoof rot. Apply twice or three times a day. Make sure the medicine does not enter the animal's inside the body.

 Kulirma veterinary Wound Balm
Kulirma Revive Plus Charma Varnam

Kulirma Revive Plus Charma Varnam is a highly effective product developed after years of trials and tests, yielding excellent results for various types of dark spots on the skin. This product provides remarkable results for fungal spots, spots caused by dye allergies, eczema-like spots, varicose ulcer spots, dark spots seen in diabetic patients, dark spots on the neck, and keloid marks in burn patients. Additionally, it is most suitable and effective as a substitute for soap and other powders for young children.

Usage: Mix Kulirma Revive Plus Skin Colour with a little water as needed, then apply it to the areas with dark spots. Let it dry naturally with the body's heat, then wash it off. Do not use chlorine water, soap, or shampoo.

 Kulirma veterinary Wound Balm
Kulirma Revive Plus Charama Varnam

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